Saturday, January 23, 2016

Polluted As Usual

I paddled by the expensive Stormwater Systems Bandalong litter trap in Eslava Creek yesterday. The shoreline was littered with the City of Mobile's storm water trash, even at the litter trap. Trash was floating around in the water. For this kayaker, the expensive litter trap has not improved the trash polluted scenery in Eslava Creek. 

How is that litter trap doing? Here is a home about half a mile downstream of the litter trap. Again, the shoreline is lined with the City's MS4 trash. ADEM cannot seem to do anything to get the City's MS4 trash removed from the Mobile's waterways.

Eslava Creek and Dog River are STILL polluted. ADEM needs to start fining the City of Mobile on a DAILY basis as long as the City is ignoring their illegal pollution.

Oh, but the City cannot remove trash from private property is one excuse I read as to why trash is happily ignored by the City. Since the City's MS4 system is responsible for delivering Mobile's litter chunker trash onto the shoreline of private properties like seen in these two photos, the City should be obligated to pick up the trash. Instead, ADEM, the US EPA and the City of Mobile and the County of Mobile and the State of Alabame ALL continue to ignore the polluting of our precious public waterways.

Why is it my opinion about environmental care and environmental enforcement agencies and environmental watch dog groups is so negative? Despite complaints to dozens of agencies, groups, and the media about the above Television that is normally floating in the water at high tide, not a single representative of the groups and agencies receiving my written and email complaints bothered to contact me to inquire where the TV is so they could arrange to have it removed from Dog River. 

The UGLY truth is the US EPA, ADEM, the City of Mobile and environmental groups do not give a fuck what is floating in Alabama waterways. 

The UGLY truth is there is no one to contact to get HAZARDOUS materials as defined by the US EPA removed from waterways in polluted Alabama.

The UGLY truth is there is not a single person employed full time to remove trash pollution from Mobile's well documented polluted waterways. That is fucking retarded.

Government WANTS you to get cancer.


  1. Is it just Mobile and Mobile County that is SO TRASHY, or does Baldwin County look similar?

    1. Baldwin County values its tourism and keeps its parks, waterways, shopping centers, and roadsides mostly free of litter.

      Mobile County doesn’t give a shit about its tourism. Parks, shopping centers, waterways and roadsides in Mobile County are a littered disgrace.

      Leadership makes all the difference.


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