Monday, January 18, 2016

McNally Park

Plenty of loose trash left on the ground a couple hundred feet away from Perch Creek at McNally Park. This is what happens when trash receptacles are dysfunctional.

Dysfunctional meaning the garbage receptacle is not securely covered. There are still open slots for scavenger animals to access the trash.

Dysfunctional meaning the garbage can has only narrow slots in it prohibiting the public from tossing larger objects such as a full bag of trash in the can. This causes people to leave larger trash on top of the garbage receptacle or on the ground.

The City of Mobile's archaic dysfunctional garbage receptacles at their City parks often yields the results seen above. Trash pollution next to waterways. That is Ugly!

1 comment:

  1. Man, that's terrible. Do you think the "city fathers" will ever, EVER take care of their city? I hope so, but it sure seems like a losing battle. :-(


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