Sunday, August 21, 2016

Ugly Cosmetics Industry

What is in your shampoo? Anything greedy corporations want to put in the shampoo. And that is whether the chemicals in the Shampoo are safe for the public to use or not.

The Ugly Truth is the US FDA allows the Shampoo and Cosmetic industries to use any old unsafe chemical combinations in their cosmetic and drug products.

What are humans putting in the Earth's only water supply? Poison concoctions that may be found in well advertised Shampoo products like Wen Shampoo. Finally after 21,000 Wen Shampoo complaints does the Federal Government decide to investigate why the Wen cosmetic products are causing some people's hair to fall out.(1)

Talk about retarded Federal oversight of public health and safety. Corporate profit wins over common scientific sense.

The only question is when are the consequences for polluting the Earth's limited water supply and our own bodies going to reach out and grab you in a nasty ass way. Got Cancer Yet?


Thursday, August 11, 2016

No Compassion for Human Life

For many people end of life events come without warning and are swift, like a heart attack during the night. Maybe it is a car wreck or a plane crash that quickly extinguishes someone's life.

For many others, the end of life process is slow and painful. I certainly do not wish to suffer in pain during my final days on earth. 

Because corporate profit has a higher priority over health and common sense, the incidence of cancer in humans continues to increase. Really, scientists have known for decades that cigarette products are extremely harmful to the health of humans. Yet cigarettes are still available for purchase in most stores, TODAY. Idiotically, it is the right of corporations to be able produce products that kill people. That does not make sense.

Something else that does not make sense is when a person gets a diagnosis of advanced cancer or some other disease, why does society force them to suffer?

Seriously, if an animal is suffering, a Veterinarian will compassionately "put it down." All it takes is a drug to put the dog or cat or horse to sleep, and then a concoction of drugs to stop the heart while the animal is in that deep sleep. Helping the animal to avoid pain and suffering is the compassionate thing to do.

When it comes to humans, the corporate medical machine has seen to it that dying people in pain will suffer until the medical institution can suck every last drop of money from the sick human. Where is the compassion to "put down" people who are suffering from disease or illness? Why are there no doctors to "put down" suffering humans?

The corporate health care lawyers that write health care laws have seen to it that Euthanasia for humans is illegal in most states. There is more compassion for sufferning dogs and cats in this world than there is for humans in pain. That is the Ugly Truth.