Friday, July 22, 2016

Third World Country

Coating Mobile's public waterways with Plastic. Mobile's waterways are beginning to take on the appearance of some of the polluted waterways in Third World Countries like India.

I wonder ... could the fact that people from India are taking over entire sectors of business in America like Convenience Stores and Motels be why many Motels are in America are now in terrible living condition and the area around most Convenience Stores are so trashy? America takes on the norms of its immigrants.

The next generation should be sure to watch "The Big Collapse of America" coming soon to a reality theatre near them. Thank stinkin Liberals, NAFTA supporters and the Treasonous Party for filling the American ship with more holes than it can handle.

The Treasonous Political Party being the Democrats and the Republicans. No matter which half of the TPP is in power the TPP continues to rob the Taxpayers blind and continues to prevent any other political party from gaining power in Congress.

Each taxpayer in America now owes about $161,000 dollars thanks to irresponsible spending and borrowing by Congress.

Congress is responsible for passing treaties that shut down many manufacturing jobs in America. Now Congress is allowing Middle East and Asian countries to buy America piece by piece. And some of those foreigners want to see America collapse.

Well, thanks to the Treasonous Party, the collapse of America cannot be far away. America's waterways, at least those in Mobile, are now polluted with vast amounts of trash like waterways in uneducated Third World Countries where the leaders do not give a fuck what is floating in their public waterways.

No wonder why Americans are disgruntled with their voting options. Either way you vote, Democrat or Republican, as a taxpayer, you lose because the Democrats and Republican are gears in the same Treasonous Political Party which royally screws the taxpayers.

There can come a point when a citizen borrows way more money than he or she will ever be able to pay back. Such irresponsible borrowing ends up with the person going bankrupt. America is bankrupt. The money needed to clean up polluted waterways in America will never be available because the America is broke.

Polluting Earth's only water resources will carry a harsh consequence to the Human Species. Got cancer yet?

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